“The pins represent an accepting, safe, loving community that I am part of. At competition the pin is a symbol that shows dedication and compassion for LGBTQ+ people like me and my friend,” said Tessa from 1339, a Student Representative.
We want to spread that community as far throughout FIRST as we can, and you can help us do that – by donating! Student Administrator Livi D. said, “Being a part of LGBTQ+ of FIRST has made me love FIRST even more than I already did. Its given me people who I can identify with while doing one of my favorite things, robotics.” Donate to our GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/LGBTQ_of_FIRST2 Even if you can’t donate, sharing helps us immensely! Help us make FIRST a more accepting and diverse community, provide resources to teams, and do outreach at competitions.
“It has opened my eyes to this great community of people within another great community of people,” said one Student Representative about the organization. Donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/LGBTQ_ of_FIRST2 We have less than a month to reach our goal, and we appreciate any help you can give us! Thank you for helping our organization impact more kids, and expand our reach throughout FIRST.
“LGBTQ+ of FIRST has really helped me find a community where I feel like I can truly be myself. It has combined two of my most favorite things: robots and the LGBTQ+ community,” said Student Represenative Tessa from 1339. Student Administrator Kiran L. said about LGBTQ+ of FIRST, ” I love the vibrant community, and the difference we hope to make in people’s lives!” Lend a hand and donate now: https://www.gofundme.com/LGBTQ_of_FIRST2 Thank you for helping us raise over $1500 so far! We are about half way to our goal, and could use any help you could give us to reach it! Pins are a direct way for us to impact our community in FIRST.
One Student Representative described the impact LGBTQ+ of FIRST has had on her: “LGBTQ+ of FIRST has made me more comfortable in my identity and helped me through my questioning process.” By donating, you also will recieve a pin, and support LGBTQ+ kids throughout FIRST. Please help us get the word out before we close them on December 1 by donating here: https://www.gofundme.com/LGBTQ_of_FIRST Hey everyone! Welcome to our Pin Promo Week. We want to fundraise enough so that we can purchase pins to give out at competitions, and help others learn more about our organization.
One Student Representative said, “My favorite thing about being involved, is the fantastic sense of community that the organizations has developed: it’s a group of people I can talk to if I need help with anything.” “I love providing help to others and increasing awareness,” said Student Administrator Doug S. from 973. Interested in helping us out? Donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/LGBTQ_of_FIRST2 |
LGBTQ+ of FIRST is a student run organization that advocates awareness and acceptance of LGBTQ+ students, mentors, and volunteers of FIRST Robotics. LGBTQ+ of FIRST reaches out to over 1000 members across the FIRST regions and fronts multiple outreach endeavors. Archives
June 2024