anonymous asked:
Hi, I'm an openly trans individual on my team but I got a new coach who isn't so accepting of me, my name, and my pronouns. What should I do? I’m sorry to hear about that. If possible, could you talk with mentors who were on the team before? Maybe you could ask them to talk to this new mentor. If that doesn’t work, you could try to talk with the mentor one on one and just ask that even if they don’t respect your identity, that they at least use the correct name and pronouns as not to confuse the team. I really hope that this helps. You deserve happiness and respect from everyone. -Staff: Sean 5113 Comments are closed.
LGBTQ+ of FIRST is a student run organization that advocates awareness and acceptance of LGBTQ+ students, mentors, and volunteers of FIRST Robotics. LGBTQ+ of FIRST reaches out to over 1000 members across the FIRST regions and fronts multiple outreach endeavors. Archives
June 2024